
  1. Abbey

    Baby When Do Hearing and Touch Senses Develop When A Baby Is Born?

    All senses of the newborn baby such as hearing, sight, smell and taste, movement and touch are active. At the end of the forty-eight hour period following birth, babies prefer more complex visual stimuli. Even if simple shapes are very bright and vibrant colors, babies prefer black and white...
  2. Abbey

    Baby Reflexive Movements in Babies 12th 14th Month Period

    The 12th-14th months are an important period for fine motor muscles. By this period, your child's grips have become more controlled and stronger. However, before this period, your child has not yet strengthened the ability to reach and grasp an object in a controlled way, while mastering it in...
  3. Elçines

    Baby Many Toys or Many Games?

    Toys should be just a tool for play. Therefore, it is not important what the toy is and its number, but how it is played. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a toy for your child is the benefit it will provide to your child, not its popularity. Remember that your child does not need...
  4. vianne

    Baby Where to Find the Baby?

    The baby is the event that occurs when the egg cell of the female individual and the nuclei of the sperm cell of the male individual unite. Fertilization takes place in the oviduct of the expectant mother. Thanks to the cilia on the oviduct surface, it allows the fertilized egg (zygote) to...
  5. Elçines

    Baby Hyperbilirubinemia Known as Jaundice

    First of all, what is bilirubin? Bilirubin is a yellow-orange pigment found in the liver. Bilirubin, which is obtained by the breakdown of red blood cells, is thrown out of the body mostly through feces. For this, adequate nutrition and defecation are required. While the baby is in the womb...
  6. vianne

    Baby Creating a bedtime routine with your baby

    What are the benefits of a bedtime routine? Your baby will be more relaxed if he knows what will happen next. The more comfortable he is, the more likely he is to lie down and fall asleep quickly. Stick to your routine as best you can, even when you're not at home – this can make it easier for...
  7. Abbey

    Baby Warning Signs of Developmental Retardation in Babies

    Developmental delays can affect a child's physical development, social and emotional development, communication skills, and learning abilities. As you watch your child grow and predict milestones, it's natural to wonder (and even worry) if his development is on track. Chances are they're...
  8. Abbey

    Baby Birthmarks and Skin Diseases in Newborns

    Birthmarks are spots that occur on the skin of babies that have existed since the mother's womb. These spots are usually harmless and do not affect the baby's vital functions. With imaging devices, birthmarks can be noticed by the doctor before birth. Birthmarks can occur anywhere on a baby's...
  9. vianne

    Baby Newborn Baby Care Guide

    Appropriate care in the newborn period is a process that has important effects on the general health of the baby. This is why new parents experience serious anxiety. The environment and personal care of the newborn baby is very important. The first 28 days after birth is considered the newborn...
  10. vianne

    Test Tube Baby What is IVF? IVF Treatment Method and Application

    The biggest dream of people is to have a baby. Some people's dream of having a baby can't come naturally. At this point, modern medical science and IVF treatment methods come into play directly. IVF treatment methods and modern medical science provide the opportunity to have a baby for couples...
  11. Abbey

    Baby When can I give my baby a bath?

    In the beginning, all your newborn needs are a sponge bath with a warm, damp washcloth. Wait for the umbilical cord to fall off, which is usually ten to 14 days after birth, before giving your baby his first tub bath. When your baby is ready to get in the tub, it's okay to just use water. If...
  12. Abbey

    Baby What should you do if your baby hates the bath?

    Your baby's bathroom isn't just for cleaning. It's supposed to be a warm, soothing ritual. It gives parents and babies a one-on-one, fun time for everyone - or is it? If your baby screams at the sight, sound or touch of the bathroom, you are not alone. It may be upsetting for both of you, but...
  13. Abbey

    Baby Baby Nutrition

    From the first moment your child is born, he should have a regular and conscious diet. In the first six months, when breast milk is very important, there are cases of milk deficiency and feeding with supplementary foods and formulas where breast milk cannot be given due to some special reasons...
  14. vianne

    Baby Baby Vaccines

    BABY VACCINATIONS Vaccine is called a solution that protects people of all age groups against certain diseases and is given to the body to reduce the severity of the diseases to be passed. Vaccination has an important place in human life from an early age. Due to the developing technology and...
  15. vianne

    Baby Baby Diseases

    BABY DISEASES Infant diseases are diseases that can be encountered frequently in newborn babies and in the following periods, some of them are seriously dangerous and some of them are diseases that can be eliminated as a result of simple treatments. Common diseases in newborn babies: Mansion...
  16. Abbey

    Baby How should breastfeeding mothers be fed?

    How to Feed a Breastfeeding Mother? Breastfeeding mothers should pay attention to their own nutrition as much as they pay attention to the nutrition of their children. For a healthy growing child, it is very important how the parents eat, what protein and vitamins they take, and whether they...
  17. vianne

    Mom What is Baby Shower?

    WHAT IS BABY SHOWER? baby shower; It is an entertainment that is preferred by every mother in the last period and is made for prenatal needs. When the guests come to this entertainment, they bring the items that the mother and baby may need during or after birth. Baby shower, which is...
  18. Abbey

    Baby / Kids Products How should the baby bed be chosen?

    HOW SHOULD THE BABY BED BE SELECTED? Parents try to choose their baby's bedding appropriately and carefully for their health and development. While the right sleep contributes to the development of the baby, it also has an effect on the formation of its characteristic features. Choosing the...
  19. vianne

    Baby Recipes for Babies

    RECIPES FOR BABIES After the completion of the breast milk process, many mothers make the transition to supplementation. The foods you choose in the process of baby's growth and discovery of new foods are very important for both baby's health and development. Although ready-made foods are seen...
  20. Abbey

    Foster Family - Adoption What Those Who Want to Be a Foster Family Need to Know

    WHAT TRAINING IS NEEDED TO BECOME A FAMILY? It is among the criteria sought for the parents to have a basic education level in order to meet the basic needs of the child and to help the child. It is necessary to be at least a primary school graduate to be able to communicate with the child...